Tuesday, 23 February 2021 20:11

Project Partners

The Our Outdoors team has worked alongside a range of partners, including the Medical Research Council (MRC) after being selected as their citizen science project of the year in 2017 and we are currently working with organisations based in local communities, industry and the public sector. Further information about our current project partners can be found below.

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App Downloads & Manual

Download the App of the project for Android or IOS now!
Below you can also find a short App Manual with an overview about the core features:

Android AppStoreBadge 150x45px IOS AppStoreBadge 150x45px

Open App Manual

Short News

  • On the weekend of April 15, 2023 SCHPHRPers headed down to the Museum of Scotland for the Edinburgh Science Festival to show off the Our Ourdoors App.

    Thursday, 25 May 2023

Social Media

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